OBRAS ELÉCTRICAS, S.A. was founded in 1991 to provide a quality service to customers in the industrial field.
The satisfaction of our customers has given us the prestige necessary to be leading company in the pharmaceutical sector.
Since then due to the requirements of our customers, we have developed and set up a business structure that allows us to perform the full range of potential facilities required for the industry clients.
Since 2014, OBRAS ELECTRICAS, S.A.has started an expansion plan by opening new companies in different countries and consolidating its participation in the sector of renewable energies. The areas chosen for this development arethe Maghreb and South America.
The OBRELSA GROUP goal is to have a structure that enables execute both small and large projects getting the same level of customer satisfaction.
In all countries where we started up a company, we gave financial, technical and logistical support, providing all the necessary resources to assist and supported structures to facilitate the consolidation in the country noted for the same reasons as it has been in Spain.