About The Author
En cumplimiento del artículo 319 de la Ley de Sociedades de Capital, se hace público que con fecha 17 de noviembre de 2023, la Junta General de Accionistas de "OBRAS ELÉCTRICAS S.A.", ha aprobado conforme a la mayoría estatutaria y legalmente exigida, la reducción del Capital de la misma en un importe de 5.760 euros. La finalidad de la reducción es la amortización de las 300 acciones que la Sociedad ostenta en autocartera. La reducción se realizará mediante la amortización de las acciones número 2701 a 3000, todas inclusive.
Como consecuencia de dicha reducción se procede a dar nueva redacción al artículo 7º de los Estatutos Sociales que quedará redactado como sigue: "Artículo 7º.- El Capital Social ses fija en TRESCIENTOS DIEZ MIL SEISCIENTOS NOVENTA Y CUATRO CON CUARENTA CÉNTIMOS (310.694,40 euros), nominal 19,20 euros cada una de ellas, numeradas respectivamente del 1 al 870; 1021 al 1110; 1171 al 2100; 3001 al 5880; 5989 al 6096: 6529 al 8880; 9001 al 9120 y del 9493 al 18324, todas inclusive, todas ellas suscritas y desembolsadas íntegramente"..
El presente anuncio se encuentra asimismo disponible en la página web de la Sociedad.
En Barcelona a 17 de noviembre de 2023. El Consejero Delegado, Enrique Moros Hernández.
Obras Eléctricas S.A. gives a wide global service as specialized installation’s firm to industry working in projects as advisor or making industry maintenance. We know the customer needs through a deep work in each project and providing our knowledge and experience to get a job well done. Into our technician department are engineers, own qualified workers and a workshop to design and manufacture the electrical panels. Our staffs have:.
- Low and medium voltage.
- Industry electrical installations.
- Transformer stations.
- Generators.
- Electrical panels.
- Outdoor and indoor lighting.
- Fire detection.
- Instrumentation and control.
- Technical assistance.
- Preventive and corrective maintenance industry.
HVAC & Fluids
The activity of Obrelsa Clima Fluids S.L. are installations and industry maintenance, heat ventilation and air conditioning; fluids, plumbing, through our staff exclusively dedicated to it. Our technicians make the study, analysis and calculation, allows us make the more viable alternative and all those optimizations that lead to successful resolution requirements and expectations of the property. The solution of interference, cost overruns and later hidden problem is always an important objective within our department.
- Air conditioning.
- Ventilation.
- Heating.
- Fire Extinction.
- Plumbing.
- Pumping systems.
- Pressure groups.
- Boilers.
- Water treatment and softeners.
- Water treatment.
- Gas.
- Steam.
- Compressed air.
- Technical assistance.
- Industry maintenance.
Renewable energy
Our Eco Industrial Renewable workers, have been made jobs in Spain, other European countries, South and Central America, Caribbean and Africa. Concerning the photovoltaic installations, we make assembly and supply structures and boards, wiring, installation of optical fiber to the control and safety system. When we act globally, we seek the best system of coordination of activities in order to improve the planning of execution.
- Cogeneration.
- Photovoltaic and thermal installations on roof.
- Solar fields.
- Biomass.
- Geothermal.
- Saving solutions and energy efficiency.
- Technical assistance.
- Preventive and corrective maintenance industry.
Weak signals
Currently our customers are ordering this kind of Jobs in addition to main ones. These jobs require putting attention to detail to shirk malfunctions often difficult to locate. Obras Eléctricas S.A. can do data voice installations, security, telephonic installations, optical fiber, and others.
- Data voice.
- Intercom.
- Computer networks.
- Structured cabling.
- Security and detection.
- Phone.
- Optical fiber.
- Instrumentation and control.
- Access control.
- Technical consulting.
Fire fighting
Currently our customers are ordering this kind of Jobs in addition to others. We have specialized collaborators able to get a right functioning of installation to fight against fire. The responsibility of Obrelsa Clima Fluids S.L. is giving a good service and the installation works correctly in fire case. This activity requires a hard specialization and our compromise is that our costumer is well protected against the fire.
- Fire detection.
- Fire extintion.
- Pump rooms.
- Bies, hydrants and sprinklers.
- Ventilation systems.
- Monitoring station.
- Preventive and corrective maintenance industry.
•It is our main field of activity. We know the sector, their needs and are able to provide the right service offering a global package of solutions for both electricity and electrical panels, like HVAC. Our technicians can anticipate and resolve obstacles that may interfere with the requirements of the project, coordinating the activities effectively executed. Our main customer type are multinational companies and small and medium size enterprises, with any industrial activity especially pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry, manufacturers of paper, and others also.
Pharmaceutical Laboratories
We are a company leader in providing installations in production and research pharmaceutical and chemical laboratories. We fully understand the needs of this kind of industry and our customers, providing suitable solutions, fulfil the specifications and requirements and offering global solutions for important projects such as the maintenance of facilities. Our experience with clients in this sector and the knowledge of their plants, makes often accompany them in their international projects, especially the Maghreb and Latin America.
Renewable energy
In the field of renewable energies, implement cogeneration, photovoltaic, thermal and wind power installations. The wide experience of the technical team and availability to perform installations in any country where our services are required. Projects of photovoltaic and wind power have been implemented in Senegal, Argentina, Panama, Dominican Republic, Haiti, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany and Spain and cogeneration plants for the pharmaceutical, chemical and food industry.
Other Targeted Areas
Logistics Centers, industrial buildings, corporate headquarters, hotels and offices. With some regularity work for hospitals as Breast Cancer into Vall d'Hebron Hospital or research laboratories like Dr. Baselga in the Vall d'Hebron Hospital too. Also with important technological laboratories as Synchrotron Alba. In all these fields, we take a global package of activities: electricity, air conditioning, fluids, weak signals, PCI. To ensure well-executed project, tight deadlines and a competitive price without unforeseen costs, conduct a preliminary study of the project where we analyze and anticipate obstacles, offering solutions and optimizing resources. We have another kind of customer as retail, catering, entertainment, supermarkets and shops. This kind of clients need special attention to each detail in their place and we make the works with professionals specialized to such projects, always ready to fulfil their needs.
Grupo Obrelsa
c/ Casp nº 172, àtic - 08013 Barcelona
Tel.: 932448440 | Fax: 932448441
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Eco Industrial Renovables
c/ Casp nº 172, àtic - 08013 Barcelona
Tel.: 932448440 | Fax: 932448441
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Master Quadre
Pol. Ind. Pla de la Bruguera,
C/ Besalú 9-11, 08211, Casteller del Vallés, Barcelona
Tel.: 937145411 | Fax: 937145150
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | www.masterquadre.com
Sarl Saim
Palm Beach Lot Nº21 Staouali - Alger
Tel.: 00213-0-23201161
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Eco Industrial Chilena
Cruz del Sur 133 oficina 903 Las Condes. Santiago. Región Metropolitana
Tel.: (56)2 32026236 | Cel.: (+569) 81881413
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | www.ecochile.net
Eco Industrial PeruanaHoracio Urteaga nº 1030 Jesús María-Lima
Tel.: 51 996 871 027
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